Thursday 7 March 2013

Night Photography class

I have recently started attending a Digital Photography class and we had such fun last night on our 'Night Photography' shoot that I just had to share my results.  It's so great to have the help of someone who has been in the business for 35 years and the fun stuff you can do with simple things and not always having to rely on the likes of 'Photoshop' or other graphics packages to get some fun and amazing results.

First we just took a 'bog standard' picture of the beautifully lit church at Wistow, here's my best one, we did take many just to make sure we were getting the hang of it.

Then we started doing some more 'fun stuff' which was really easy and SO effective, I don't think I've heard a few adults sounding like big kids at what we were achieving with our camera's.

Ghostly vision behind the gravestone ;)
Then when we finished this fun at the church we then went back to where our class has been held and had more fun in the grounds of the school.  Again, many oohs and ahhhs from a group of adults and a lot of 'hooo' going on from an unamused owl in the grounds.
Spooky apparitions under a tree.
Who would believe this was just 1 person?

Some 'classic' sparkler work along with a bit of 'floating head' under a bare tree.  Easy, effective and lucky we had a willing helper ;)

Now I have learned these new skills I plan to have many hours of fun experimenting and creating more fun and intriguing photo's.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

I've been playing with fire

Have been playing on photoshop to create flames that are not directly attached to text.  This is new to me and I had a bit of fun doing this earlier today.  Yes, I know there could be improvements, but for the time I had available and just as a bit of a 'test' I thought it came out pretty well.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Rhod Gilbert text effects.

After recently going to see the ranting and raging Welsh Comedian, Rhod Gilbert, in his latest tour 'The man with the Flaming Battenburg Tattoo', it gave me food for creativity. I love playing with text and love doing my flame text in photoshop. Who better than to play homage to by putting his name in flames, and chrome too with a 'hot' looking background. However, I also wanted to use a font very close to the one used for Rhod's name for the show's promotional material. After a week of looking for it, and NOT having it on my computer, I found it purely by accident, a VERY happy accident it was too. So, I played, to my hearts content and here are the results.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Whooo's a pretty owl then? (Pencil drawing)

Taken from another photograph recently taken at the Raptor Foundation, I decided to draw an owl there who had a bit of an 'eyebrow' thing going on, made him a memorable little fella to me.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Bird of Prey pencil drawing

I haven't done a pencil drawing in a long time and after taking some pretty good pictures at 'The Raptor Foundation' recently I decided to try my hand at drawing one of the Birds of Prey we saw.  I am quite happy with the outcome, also my first ever attempt at a Bird of Prey.

Thursday 19 April 2012

"Feel the Burn"

Started a new fitness regime recently and this has inspired this latest creation on Photoshop I made!!

Monday 10 October 2011

Just because I love the show and photoshop :o)

Been playing on photoshop the last couple of days, helps me unwind sometimes, and came up with this 'creation' based on Buddy the Musical. All made by moi.